Xchris avilaX

Xchris avilaX

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Take Care: Drake

drake takecare album cover

Take Care Tracklist:
1. “Over My Dead Body”
2. “Shot for Me”
3. “Headlines”
4. “Crew Love” feat. The Weekend
5. “Take Care” feat. Rihanna
6. “Marvin’s Room” / “Buried Alive Interlude”
7. “Under Ground Kings”
8. “We’ll Be Fine”
9. “Make Me Proud” feat. Nicki Minaj
10. “Lord Knows” feat. Rick Ross
11. “Cameras” / “Good Ones Go Interlude”
12. “Doing It Wrong”
13. “The Real Her” feat. Lil Wayne & AndrĂ© 3000
14. “HYFR (Hell Ya Fu**in’ Right)” feat. Lil Wayne
15. “Look What You’ve Done”
16. “Practice”
17. “The Ride”
18. “Hate Sleeping Alone”
19. “Untitled” feat. Lil Wayne

4/5 srars

Monday, October 24, 2011

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi on hold

Emirate cancels construction contracts for Gehry-designed museum
Frank Gehry's designs for the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi

Frank Gehry's designs for the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
ABU DHABI. Construction of the vast, 24,000 sq. m Guggenheim museum planned for Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi has been put on hold after the emirate decided to recall the tender for the concrete works. The museum, designed by the US architect Frank Gehry, is one of four new institutions planned for a cultural district on the island.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Goal! The Dream Begins

One young man's dream takes him on a remarkable journey in this sports-themed drama. Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) was born in Mexico, and came to California with his family when he was just a boy. One of the few things Santiago brought with him was a love for soccer, and while he holds down two jobs -- working landscaping during the days with his father, Hernan (Tony Plana), and as a busboy at night -- he still dreams of playing the game professionally, and spends his precious spare time with an amateur team in Los Angeles.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Kanye West & Jay Z - Watch The Throne

July 13, 2011

Watch The Throne Cover

                                                                   I give 4 of 4 stars

1. No Church in The Wild (Feat. Frank Ocean)
2. Lift Off (Feat. Beyoncé)
3. Niggas in Paris
4. Otis (Feat. Otis Redding)
5. Gotta Have It
6. New Day
7. Prime Time
8. Who Gon Stop Me
9. Murder to Excellence
10. Welcome to The Jungle
11. Sweet Baby Jesus (Feat. Frank Ocean)
12. Love You So (Feat. Mr Hudson)

13. Illest Motherfucker Alive
14. H*A*M
15. That’s My Bitch
16. The Joy (Feat. Curtis Mayfield)

Read more: http://www.killerhiphop.com/kanye-west-jay-z-watch-the-throne-official-tracklist/#ixzz1ZSBKr4x6

Monday, September 26, 2011

Geometry of Stardust


The Montreal-born artist Dorothea Rockburne made a great splash in the mid-1960s and ’70s with her mathematics-derived folded-paper, linen, and canvas works. That success came less than a decade after she arrived in New York, in 1954, fresh out of Black Mountain College in North Carolina, the bastion of Appalachian progressivism that included figures like Rauschenberg, Twombly, Chamberlain, and Cage. More than 40 years later, after a long and distinguished career—with her work in the collections of such institutions as MoMA, the Whitney, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art—Rockburne was given her first, shamefully overdue career retrospective.

Read more at: http://www.artnews.com/2011/09/22/dorothea-rockburne/

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lil Wayne - Tha Carter IV


 I give 4 of 5 stars

1. Intro
2. Blunt Blowin
3. MegaMan
4. 6 Foot 7 Foot (Feat. Cory Gunz)
5. Nightmares Of The Bottom
6. She Will (Feat. Drake)
7. How To Hate (Feat. T-Pain)
8. Interlude (Feat. Tech N9ne)
9. John (Feat. Rick Ross)
10. Abortion
11. So Special (Feat. John Legend)
12. How To Love
13. President Carter
14. Its Good (Feat. Drake & Jadakiss)
15. Outro (Feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes)

16. I Like The View
17. Mirror
18. Two Shots

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011



This is the first major museum exhibition devoted to the full scope of the career of Willem de Kooning, widely considered to be among the most important and prolific artists of the 20th century.

Read more at: http://artnews.org/moma/?exi=27597&DE_KOONING_at_MoMA_18_Sept_2011_9_Jan_2012

Friday, September 16, 2011

Forever Strong (2008)

 I give 4 of 4 stars

A talented but troubled high-school rugby star gets a second shot at redemption after being sentenced to serve time in a Salt Lake City boys' home and landing a coveted spot on the famed Highland High School rugby team in this inspirational sports drama.

Read more at: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=forever+strong&gs_upl=125l4391l0l5828l12l11l0l0l0l0l297l2233l0.4.6l10l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=592&wrapid=tlif131618998257811&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16780921063838065999&sa=X&ei=H3dzTtfoDY2isQK2mqmMBQ&ved=0CD4Q8wIwAg#

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Critique me

The Atlanta Braves (85-64, 45-29 home)


Monday, September 12, 2011

Paintings missing after Oslo bombing

Krohg’s painting I Leden, 1892, on loan to the ministry of finance from the Nasjonalmuseet, was damaged when several pieces of glass from shattered windows struck the canvas

Concern is mounting about the fate of large numbers of works of art owned by Norwegian government ministries or lent to them by the Nasjonalmuseet (National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design) and Public Art Norway (Koro), following the terrorist ­attack in Oslo on 22 July. The buildings damaged in the bombing contained works by artists including Munch, Christian Krohg and Anne Katrine Dolven.

Read more at: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Paintings-missing-after-Oslo-bombing/24445

Friday, September 9, 2011

Limitless (2011) Review

Limitless Poster

I give the movie Limitless 4 of  4 stars

An action-thriller about a writer who takes an experimental drug that allows him to use 100 percent of his mind. As one man evolves into the perfect version of himself, forces more corrupt than he can imagine mark him for assassination.

Read more at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1219289/

Friday, September 2, 2011

Coach Carter Rate

Coach Carter Poster

I give Coach Carter 5 of 5 stars

Based on the true story of Coach Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson) and high school basketball team the Richmond Oilers, Coach Carter centers on a reluctant coach as he takes the job as the team’s skipper. Coach Carter, alongside his freshman, ex-prep school son (Robert Ri’chard), slowly begins to turn the team from inner city losers into student athletes. Key word: student. Carter’s rigorous workout routine not only stretches the boundaries of the human body but also the mind. When the team and their parents cause a stir concerning how grades aren’t as important as a little “hoops”, Carter locks down the gym, canceling practices and games in an attempt to make the Oilers winners both on and off the court.

Read more at: http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/Coach-Carter-782.html

Monday, August 29, 2011

Art thefts on the rise across North America

A recent spate of high profile thefts suggests that art crime is increasing. The FBI estimates that international art crime, which includes fakes, forgeries and thefts, is now worth more than $6bn annually.

Los Angeles Sheriff detective Estevan Martinez, LASD lead detective Clarence Williams and and Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore, display the recovered $250,000 quill pen Rembrandt drawing

Read more at: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Art-thefts-on-the-rise-across-North-America/24420

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to my blog: XChris AvilaX

Hey, my name is christian, i like abstract style of art and all kinds of music besides screamo.
I'll post everyonce in awhile but it'll be good.